Travel Volunteer Requirements
Volunteer Requirements are 16+ hours per player in the Travel Team league for 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, 14U.
There is not a buyout option available for traveling baseball families. At the end of the season, if a family has not completed their DIBS hours, they will be invoiced $25 per missed hour.
All families will be required to work a minimum of 16 hours per child in each child's traveling team home tournament (per player) as well as provide back up coverage for concession, field chalk and prep and scoreboard volunteer shifts not claimed prior to traveling team home games. To get credit for shifts worked, shifts must be claimed on Dibs.
Families with at least one child on a traveling team will not have to work additional hours for those children in their family who are on in house (Majors, Minors, Babe Ruth) teams.
Traveling baseball families must sign up via Dibs and work their volunteer requirements during their home tournament for a minimum of 16 hours per family, split equally amongst the team. If there are additional shifts that need to be covered, families will be expected to sign up for all shifts split equally amongst the team. It is expected that each family works their home tournament
Travel Team Manager
Each traveling baseball team will assign a team manager. The team manager will get 4 hours of dibs credit.
The team manager will be responsible for adding coaches and assistant coaches to the official team page rosters. They are responsible for updating their team's SportsEngine schedules with practices, games, and tournaments as well as final game scores.
They will also be the main point of contact for the team's home tournament and will have access to all of the NRBC board resources and contact info during the tournament so we can support a smooth running tourney. The team manager will coordinate dibs volunteer coverage for the home tournament to ensure the hours are split evenly among families, and there is coverage for all shifts.
Home Tournament Cancellation or Out of Town
If a family is out of town for their player's home tournament or the tournament is canceled, families are expected to work their 16 hours of volunteer requirements picking up other shifts via Dibs throughout the season. If there is a travel team home game at Star Prairie or Hatfield where concessions are available to be open, families are expected to work the concessions unless the shifts are covered by another family via Dibs.
Dibs shifts are scheduled to be filled based on home tournament game schedules and coverage needs for concession sales, concession grilling and field prep, scoreboard shifts and other shifts needed to run a successful home tournament.
Families that have a child age 11+ can work dibs volunteer shifts as long as they are working the same shift at the same location (ex: concession sales) alongside their guardian/parents.