New Richmond Baseball Club's Code of Conduct
As a youth sports program, board of directors and team of coaches, our goal is to instill our foundational values of class, trust, accountability, and resiliency into the student athletes and embody that into all that we do as a baseball program. Along with our foundational values, we will improve each athlete’s baseball skills, have an emphasis on TEAM, and most importantly have fun playing this game.
CLASS – Handling yourself in every situation with respect for your teammates, opposition, and umpires no matter what. Not making excuses, learning from past mistakes. Meeting life and the game head on, and handle whatever comes along.
TRUST – Emphasis on TEAM. Playing with confidence in your coaches and teammates. Working with a team, embracing the experience, and having fun!
ACCOUNTABILITY – Positive attitude, concentration, and effort are what they need to bring every day, and will be held accountable for the betterment of themselves and the team.
RESILIENCY- How we handle success and how we handle failure. Resiliency means to never quit, never tire, never give up on playing baseball the right way, and living your life the right way.
1. Athletes must pay the correct athletic fee, and sign and return all necessary forms to the coaches and school before they can practice or tryout.
2. Baseball is a sport of skill. Regardless of grade or age, athletes will be CHOSEN for a team based on their ability. The team is not final and the coaches reserve the right to change what team the athlete plays on at any time if it is the best for the program.
3. We expect each parent and player to conduct themselves in a positive manner at all times. We represent the School District of New Richmond, and the community. If you or your athlete would like to talk with any of the coaching staff regarding your son, playing time, position, batting order etc., please follow the steps we take in our program. These steps are non-negotiable.
*Coaches will not talk about a game or playing time after a game with parent or guardian. If a confrontation comes up, we will refer to the above steps/process.
The New Richmond Baseball Club has a strict policy on following the rules on the field for the safety of all players. Expectations that all coaches and players are representing the community of New Richmond and our baseball club with a professional and positive manner at all times. To enforce these standards, the following disciplinary policy is in place:
If a player is ejected from a baseball game for any reason, the player will sit out the remainder of that game plus 1 or 2 of the next scheduled games (depending on rule infraction reason). Additional 1 game - If the player was ejected for a rule infraction, they will be required to sit out the next scheduled game. Additional 2 games - If the player was ejected for a personal behavior infraction, they will be required to sit out the next two scheduled games.
If a player is ejected from a baseball game for any reason and it is the players’ second offense of the season, the player will sit out the remainder of that game plus the next 2 scheduled games or be done for the remainder of the season (depending on rule infraction reason). Additional 2 games - If the player was ejected for a rule infraction, they will be required to sit out the next 2 scheduled games. If the player was ejected for second personal behavior infraction of the season, there will be a meeting with the board of directors to discuss disciplinary action (which could lead to removal from their baseball team for the remainder of the season with no refund).
If a parent is ejected from a game by an official, they must leave the field and are not allowed to return for the duration of or following the game.
If a parent is acting inappropriate towards the players, coaches, umpires, opponents or opponent fan base, the NRBC coaching staff reserves the right to provide a verbal warning to the parent to stop their behavior. If the behavior continues, the NRBC coaching staff has the authority to eject the parent from the game and the parent is required to leave the field for the duration of and following the game.
If a parent is ejected from a game by an official, they must leave the field and are not allowed to return for the duration of or following the game.
If a parent is acting inappropriate towards the players, coaches, umpires, opponents or opponent fan base, the NRBC coaching staff reserves the right to provide a verbal warning to the parent to stop their behavior. If the behavior continues, the NRBC coaching staff has the authority to eject the parent from the game and the parent is required to leave the field for the duration of and following the game. This will result in a mandatory meeting between the head coach of the team, the parent, and the NRBC Board President to determine the consequences for the parent and or player of the team. Failure to comply will result in an immediate removal of the player from the team as a result of the parent's conduct. In other words, this is a youth sport - don't ruin it for your child!
NOTE: All misconduct warnings and ejections are required to be reported to the NRBC board President immediately following the game or occurrence.