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About Us

New Richmond Baseball Club

P.O. Box 86 New Richmond, WI 54017

Mission Statement


The objectives of the NRBC are to provide an organized baseball program in the New Richmond area and within program limitations, this program: (1) Does not limit the number of participants, (2) Maintains recreational, competitive and instructional programs for the community, (3) Is open to all without regard to their financial status. 

The New Richmond Baseball Club believes that a healthy cooperative attitude between the recreational baseball program and the competitive baseball program will provide the maximum benefit to both players and the community. 

Recreational Baseball Mission Statement

The recreational baseball program of the NRBC promotes an educational and instructional program for individuals in the New Richmond area. The NRBC recreational program promotes full player participation which includes the development of healthy attitudes toward sportsmanship and respect for authority, together with the instruction in baseball rules, skills and the element of play. 

Competitive Baseball Mission Statement

The competitive baseball program of NRBC strives to promote the highest level of competitive baseball play, while attracting highly skilled players who have the desire, determination, dedication and discipline necessary to improve their skills. The competitive program goals include; (1) An atmosphere that is conducive to learning the game, developing skills and results in a positive experience for participants, (2) To provide the most competitive opportunities and field the best possible teams within an enjoyable environment, 3) Field the best players for teams at each competitive level, (4) Promoting the principles of teamwork and sportsmanship. The NRBC will provide for leagues and tournaments.

NRBC Levels of Play

Grade Level =  2024-2025 School Year

NRBC In House Play Levels
Grade Level Play Level Cost
Boys and Girls in 4 K/Kindergarten T-Ball $50
Boys and Girls in 1st Grade Coach Pitch $70
Boys and Girls in 2nd Grade Machine Pitch $100
Boys and Girls in 3rd and 4th Grade Minor League $110
Boys and Girls in 5th and 6th Grade Major League $135
Boys and Girls in 7th and 8th Grade Babe Ruth $160

What does my registration fee for In House programs provide? 

T-shirt, hat, field preparation, field usage fees, umpires, and team equipment needs and year end events/tournament.


NRBC Traveling Play Levels

Grade Traveling Level Cost
3rd Grade U9 $370
4th Grade U10 $370
5th Grade U11 $370
6th Grade U12 $370
7th Grade U13 $370
8th Grade U14 $370

What does my registration fee for traveling teams provide?

Jersey, hat, league fees (MBL/Gopher State), tournament fees, field preparations, field usage fees, field lighting, umpires,  and equipment needs.

Contact Dave Yeager, NRBC treasurer, with any questions regarding fees or financial needs. 

NRBC Mission Statement: The NRBC believes in generating and sustaining a passion for baseball in all children that emphasizes developmentally appropriate learning of the fundamental skills necessary to create a successful experience for all players.

NRBC Uniform Suggestions

The NRBC would like to share uniform suggestions as players begin preparation for the upcoming season.  With the goal of a more consistent appearance as a club, the following recommendations have been adopted by the NRBC in accordance with the NRHS Varsity Baseball team expectations:

1) Helmets will be primarily colored matte black

2) Shoes will be primarily black in color

3)  Pants will be grey with black piping

These are suggestions for In House players but there is an expectation that all new items purchased for traveling players will follow these guidelines. Additionally, we will attempt to streamline our equipment bags to a more consistent look- especially for traveling players.   

NOTE: T-ball and Coach Pitch teams are playing in a grass field so there are no uniform requirements.